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Friday, August 28, 2009

New Blog

Well since everyone keeps asking me about the "stress", I will just tell you. Me and Kevin are going through the big D and I don't mean Dallas. It's a mutual decision between us. Anyway, so with that said, I am starting a new blog and I may make it private, still trying to decide because I HATE private blogs. Anyway, the blog address is If you will email me at
bobbybop at gmail dot com and let me know if you still want to read about my ever so exciting life please do so I can add you. I am slowly getting everyone transferred from this blog to the next.
I will keep this one as a back up and post things on how Kevin is doing from time to time while he is gone for Military.
Thanks everyone.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


So I have a lot of stress going on in my life. Some of you may know, others may not. Well I am not going to blab all about it on the internet. Lets just say, there is major stress. So with my new found stress I have been dropping the L.B.'s like MAD! I mean 22 in a month... not too shabby. I also have found a new stress reliever. Working out! Who'da thunk it? I have been working out twice a day... that's right, TWICE! Major stress reliever. And when you have PINK blaring on your ipod... even better. So I decided that I wasn't going to take baby steps into the whole working out thing. I jumped in head first. The first night I walked/ran 2.6 miles. That's the most I have done in 2 months. The following morning I walked again for 1.3 miles (had to cut it short because Ashlyn was ready to get out of the stroller). Then that night I biked 4.2 miles... and could've gone more. I had a burst of energy. THEN this morning I got up and went again for 4.2 miles. I felt like a champ. I am sure that sometime it will kick in and I will be sore, but right now I feel great.
Anyway, I don't recommend this stress to anyone. I do say that it is a great diet though. But it is what it is...