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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My updates.. what little they are

Well here it is. My Christmas tree. I know that you all covet how cute it is, but please don't, it won't get you far. It has 84 ornaments on it and although it doesn't top last years cardboard Christmas Tree with 1200 lights, I am quite please with it. Now many of you know I don't really care for Christmas but I do like lights and I like trees. I don't like to decorate them, but still I like them. We have 7 in my mom's house this year. I know that you all think that is a lot, but my dad's boss' wife for his night job has 40 in her house. Yes, I agree... insane.

Moving on, there is still time to order some delicious pizza's!! Thank you to all those who have already bought some. And for those of you who haven't... GET ON IT!!!

Next in line. I haven't done much in the last little while. My dad had trigger finger surgery the end of November and then about a week later ripped it open and had to have it restitched. In the meantime, he had his rotator cuff surgery as well, so I have been his little helper bee. I have also got really close with quite a few people at the hospital since we have been there at least 2 - 3 times a week. That is about the only time I get out of the house.

Another thing, my brother Randy's dee-vo is finalized. Yay!! And he is actually happier... it's been nice to have the old Dizel back. And he hasn't been talking much about Germany so hopefully he will be staying close, well as close as Elko.

Kevin is also getting closer to becoming an employee with Weber County!! WOO HOO!!! He passed his P.T. with flying colors and then we had to wait to hear from them. He was suppose to take his written test but they are waiting for it to come in from another jurisdiction so in the mean time, he had his interview. When we had our little "in" contact the interviewer afterwards, they said that 2 of the applicants really impressed them. The first one was the guy who had just moved from Florida with 14 years experience. The second one was KEVIN!!! How cool is that? If all goes well, he will start the academy April. It is 17 weeks long, but at least this time I will be close to our families if I need something. (Kevin was going to do Highway Patrol while we lived in St George and that meant that he would have left me down there while he attended the academy in Salt Lake for 17 weeks). So keep him in your prayers. He was wanted this for SO long and I know he will be a great Sheriff.

Ashlyn is doing really well. She is laughing all the time and is her "PA's girl". Anytime my dad talks to her she just gets the biggest smile on her face. She will be 5 months on Friday and is still on the smaller side. I think she weighs around 13 pounds is all and we just started her in her 3-6 month clothes. She is the best baby and doesn't really even cry. She has her fussy time at night but just because she is tired. So we just give her the magic medicine, her binky and a blankie, and she is content. I really can't believe how fast the time has gone. I mean it was just a year ago on Christmas morning that I found out we were pregnant! Crazy!

Well last but not least, I am going in for some mouth surgery in the morning. I am not looking forward to it at all. I am going to have my last meal tonight at MO's, because when I had this done last time, I was out of commission for a little while. It sucks, but it needs to be done.

Okay, so now my really last thing. Kevin turns 30 the day after Christmas and I want to do something fun. I would love to have a surprise party for him, but it is hard being so close to Christmas. He is dreading this birthday so I want to make it memorable. Anyone who has ideas let me know... I am open to most anything. I thought about having a party for him on New Year's but then realized that most of our friends probably already have plans made.

1 comment:

Amateur Steph said...

Your Christmas tree makes me smile. I wish I had some good ideas for a surprise party, but I'm pretty lame with that sort of thing.
Also, how'd the mouth surgery go?