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Thursday, October 23, 2008

photo tag

I 'tagged' myself after stalking a few of my fellow blogger's blogs... and this is a fun one! Here's how you play: You post the fourth photo from your fourth album on your computer! It's fun to see what it is and share it.

I actually decided to post the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th picture to get the full effect. This is my brother Randy. Yes, I know what you are all asking and the answer is yes he is retarded. No, he is actually just willing to do anything and put anything on. He is a true comedian. These were some of my Grandpa Dickie's costumes and being the retard that Randy is, he put them right on. I wish I had the pictures of him in my clubbing pants... they were amazing.
I am actually glad that it was Randy who was in the 4th album and the 4th picture. He is going through a really hard time right now and there is nothing that I can do about it. Out of all us Creagers, he has been through the most. And since he is a Creager, we tend to shut people out when we are hurting and keep to ourselves. Our most famous line is "I AM FINE" when really we know that we're not. It is our cover, not a good one I know. Anyway, Randy moved to Elko a few months ago to better his life for him and his wife. Well SHE didn't enjoy it and so she moved home. We "thought" temporarliy, but we "knew" permanantly. Then out of the blue she calls and says that she is filing for the BIG D... oh great here we go again. Brief history on Randy: he was married in 2001 for 3 or 4 short months until his wife at the time said that she didn't want to be married anymore. Then he was in a relationship with another girl for 5 + years and then they split and now he has been just married over a year and she is calling it quits! WTH ladies?? My brother is amazing!! Okay back to the story. So Randy is out in Elko loving his job at the Gold Mine and is GOING TO SCHOOL!!! Um, we Creager's are college drop outs. So YAY for Randy!! Anyway, well my dad text him yesterday (because we are texter's and not caller's) and he gets this text back saying "I am moving out of the country". Yeah, ok Rand, sure you are. Well I text him last night and he comfirmed it, he plans on moving to Germany!! WTH?? Iwas thinking out of the country like California or back to Wisconsin like he wanted to before. But seriously, GERMANY? Anyway, I love my brother and I will support him in whatever he does. I WILL NOT be happy about it, but I will support him and pray for him daily. He is hurting, heart broken and thinks that this move is for the best so that he can start over fresh... far away. I blame Holly for all of this. She is young, immature and totally selfish (which is the reason she told us she is filing for divorce). I won't say that I hate her for hurting my brother, even though I would like to. I know everything has 2 sides, but I side with my family. Randy, I know you will never read this or for that matter even know that I posted this (unless Mike and Steph say something about the pics) but I do love you. I know we have not always got along. But since we have both decided to grow up (and get tattoo's) I have loved being close to you. I know that I can turn to you no matter what and you won't judge me. You will give me your honest opinion and I am greatful for that, even when your honesty hurts like a mother trucker. I wish you the best and hope that you can find the happiness that you DESERVE! Hate your face you cry baby poo butt @$$! Oh and the first 10 Germans you meet are on your team.


DeAnna said...

Hey, Hope everything works out for the best for your brother...that is so tough. I hope that you, Kevin, and Ashlyn are happy and healthy!

Amateur Steph said...

Hey Robyn-
That sucks. But those pictures rock. Mike called and talked to Rup the other day. Maybe we will see him in Germany-- because we plan to move there sometime in the next few years. Our prayers go out to him.
P.S. I totally suck about Ashlyn's blessing. All the recordings on my recorder got deleted. We started typing Ashlyn's blessing at Reid and Shirley's that day, so I need to go and search their computer, and I hope it is still there. I'm sorry. I feel like a complete jerk. A Complete Jerk.

Kami (tayo) said...

Awsome pics. At first I thought they were Kevin! He would do that too! I am sorry about your brother. In a world where everything is disposable, people think that marriage is too?!? If she's that immature he'll be better off without her!