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Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Valentine

Well a lot of you are posting blogs about your hubby's.... so I thought I would jump on the wagon too. I woke up this morning and on my bed was a dozen roses and in the corner was balloon tied to a bag with a gorilla inside. For those of you who don't know, I am a sucker for stuffed animals. We don't usually do Valentine's gifts, but it was fun to wake up to that. I love you so much Kevin. Even though most of the time I am a "woman" (a little inside joke between me and Kevin). I cherish everyday that I have with you. We both know that I wouldn't be around much longer if it hadn't of been for you whipping me into shape. I am eternally grateful that you have helped me change my life and that will have a few more years together here on earth. I can't wait for this little person (we both know its a girl, you can admit it now) to come and be a part of our lives. I see how you are with Kestin, Wyatt, Tyson, Kenton, Kenzie and even little Kaitlyn and know that you are going to be an awesome BIG BROTHER! cause we both know you aren't a grown up yet! Anyway bay-bee I love you and I thank Heavenly Father every day for leading us to each other. We have both been to "Australia" and back in our lives and now we are finally on our way to "Ireland".... together. Oh and one more thing.......... I HATE YOUR FACE!


DeAnna said...

Ha ha....very funny and very entertaining! Sounds like you have a great, honest relationship!

Mande Browning said...

Holy crap. Don't take this the wrong way, but you talk to Kevin like Holly talks to me.

Don't let the same path we traveled conspire between you too.

Can't wait to see this relationship in action in person!!!