
Make your own Countdown Clocks

Monday, February 25, 2008

....strikes again.

Yesterday (Sunday), me and Kevin made brownies to take to his mom's for dinner. So we left and had to run past Katie's first to get some maternity dresses. So we put the brownie pan on the dashboard up so far on the driver's side and we went in. We were in there for all of about 2 minutes... maybe... and Kevin is all I am going to go check on the dogs (who were in the car). We he opened up the front door of Katie's house he is all "She is on the dashboard!!!" So he goes out there and this is what we find. Roxi had eaten a good chunk out of the brownies. It was so hard not to laugh, but at the same time we were furious with her. Anyway, so I told her that she better get a big tummyache because those are my most favorite brownies in the world. So we finally got to Gwen's house and as soon as we walked in the front door and were telling them the story, I looked down to see Roxi all hunched up POOPING!! So I yelled at her to get outside now, as she pooped again along the way and then did more outside. Errrr, this dog is the one that they couldn't believe that we had in puppy obedience school because she was such an angel. Well her little horns are starting to come through now that she is almost one. But I just have to keep telling myself that it was only her 3rd accident in a house since we got her in July. Anyway, I did learn my lesson though and I am not going to wish a tummyache on her again. Oh and this whole time my little Kodi is just sitting there looking at me like "I am a good dog huh mom" But he had his share of "issues" to, but at least he is almost 2 and out of that stage.


The Stephensen's said...

Tell Kevin next time he doesn't want to come to my house not to eat a hole in the brownies and blame it on Poor Sweet Roxie. He can just sit in the car. HAHAHA

DeAnna said...

mmmm those brownies look so good...I would have probably done it too!